Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co.

Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. was established in 2013 AD according to the records of the Ministry of Commerce approved by experts in various engineering fields. Since the aforementioned date, the company has achieved many achievements and successes in the field of construction, which earned it the third classification in this field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Our Services

The growing business requires a diverse, effective and strong business structure and the ability to overcome the challenges of the increasing labor market. Therefore, the organizational and operational structure of the Arab Company for Contracts Limited has been developed to keep pace with the growing labor market developments and to modernize, develop and innovate everything that is new in the field. The world of business in multiple fields.

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الأعمال الكهربائية والميكانيكية

  • الأعمال الصحية.
  • أعمال التكييف المركزي.
  • أنظمة إطفاء الحريق.
  • أعمال السلالم الكهربائية.
  • أعمال المصاعد.
  • أعمال الإنارة.
  • أعمال اللوحات.
  • أعمال المحطات الكهربائية.
  • أعمال الأبراج للخطوط الكهربائية.

محطات الوقود

  • إنشاء محطات الوقود.
  • تأهيل وصيانة محطات الوقود.

أعمال الإنشاءات والتشطيب

  • القطاع الحكومي – القطاع الخاص – الأفراد.
  • تنفيذ المشاريع الإنشائية بجميع الطرق المتطورة.
  • تنفيذ مشاريع وعمليات التأهيل والترميم للمباني.

الصيانة والتشغيل والنظافة والتشجير

  • القطاع الحكومي – القطاع الخاص – الأفراد.
  • عمليات التشغيل والصيانة والنظافة للمباني.
  • عمليات النظافة للمباني.
  • عمليات تشجير المسطحات الخضراء.

أعمال البنية التحتية

  • إنشاء شبكة الصرف الصحي.
  • إنشاء شبكة تصريف السيول والعبارات.
  • أعمال إختبار التربة.
  • الأعمال الأرضية من حفر وردم وتسوية للأرض.
  • أعمال الطرق والأرصفة.
  • إنشاء شبكة مياه الشرب.
  • تحسينات الموقع والأودية.
  • إنشاء شبكة الجهد المنخفض.
  • إنشاء شبكة إنارة الشوارع.
  • إنشاء شبكة الجهد المتوسط.
  • إنشاء ممرات لشبكات الإتصالات في تقاطعات الشوارع.
  • إنشاء ممرات لشبكات الري في تقاطعات الشوارع.

أنظمة التيار الخفيف

  • أنظمة الصوت.
  • أنظمة المراقبة.
  • أنظمة إنذار الحريق.
  • نظام BMS.

أنظمة الطاقة المتجددة

  • الطاقة الشمسية.
  • توليد الطاقة عن طريق الرياح.

الأنظمة الأمنية وأنظمة الحماية

  • أنظمة بوابات مرور الأفراد.
  • أنظمة المصدات الهيدولوكية.
  • أنظمة أجهزة الإنذار.
  • أنظمة الأكسس كنترول.
  • أنظمة المواقف.
  • أنظمة أجهزة كشف المعادن والمتفجرات.

Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co.

About Us

Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. was established in 2013 AD according to the records of the Ministry of Commerce approved by experts in various engineering fields. Since the aforementioned date, the company has achieved many achievements and successes in the field of construction and construction, qualifying it to obtain the third classification in this field in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company also enjoys diversity in its fields of work, as the company is active in several fields, the most important of which are (construction and building, maintenance and operation of electromechanics – low current systems). -Z Multiple energy systems, multiple systems, security systems, infrastructure, gas stations).

The company also has a long history of achievements in these various fields. Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. is united by the values of integrity, innovation, quality and continuous development that drive its policy towards diversifying ideas and providing innovative solutions in both the public and private sectors alike.

Our vision

Providing integrated services to our customers to achieve their complete satisfaction in terms of (safety and trust – excellence, punctuality – quality).

Our Mission

We look forward to providing the highest levels of service to customers while adhering to the timetables of the specified and allocated budget and providing distinguished services in the field of contracting that contribute and serve the community by creating a stimulating environment to provide the best and employment services.

Our values

Why Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co.?

Because Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. provides all of its profound expertise and modern technologies in the field of construction and building, and provides the best equipment, administrative and technical staff, and experienced manpower, and because the Arab Company for Contracts Limited is classified as third-class in the field of construction. Its vision is based on its interest in strengthening the contracting sector through its keenness to implement and apply a system that guarantees its development and growth. Among the features that place the company among the ranks of advanced companies that have a long history in this field are the following:

Time Commitment
Credibility and Trust
A lifetime of achievements
Why Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co.?

Contact us now

Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. team is ready to serve you and answer your inquiries.

Our Projects

محطات الوقود
محطات الوقود
التشييد والبناء
التشييد والبناء
محطات الوقود
التشييد والبناء

Our Suppliers

Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. is proud to work on its public and private projects with its suppliers, who are considered the cornerstone of the supply and special approvals of the required samples according to the technical and special specifications, which serve the directions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030.

Our Clients

Alarabiya for Contracts Company LTD Co. is proud to work on projects related to our clients in governmental and non-governmental agencies. The company is also proud to implement these works to the fullest extent and in full compliance with the previously agreed upon standards upon which contracts were concluded, which serve the directions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Vision 2030.